Affiliate Disclaimer

Welcome to, your ultimate source for DIY and crafting inspiration! We're dedicated to providing you with tips, tricks, and ideas to help you bring your creative vision to life.

Affiliate Disclosure Disclaimer

As a DIY and crafts blog, we may use affiliate links to earn a commission from your purchases. This means that when you purchase a product through our affiliate links, we earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

We only recommend products and companies that we trust and use ourselves. Our affiliate partnerships help us continue to bring you the best Bricolage and crafting content, and to explore new materials, techniques, and tools.

Here's how it works:

  • When you click on one of our affiliate links, you will be redirected to the relevant website or online store.
  • If you make a purchase, we will earn a commission from your transaction.
  • The commission we earn will help us continue to bring you the best DIY and crafting content and to fund our next projects.

Please note that our affiliate relationships do not influence our opinions or recommendations. We only recommend products and companies that we trust and use ourselves.

FTC Affiliate Disclosure Requirements

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that we disclose our affiliate relationships to you, so that you are fully informed and aware of our relationships.

Please note that we are a participant in various affiliate advertising programs, including [insert affiliate programs here], and we earn a commission from your purchases through our affiliate links.

As an Amazon Associate

We are also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

This means that if you make a purchase through one of our Amazon affiliate links, we will earn a commission from your transaction, at no extra cost to you.

Impact of Affiliate Programs

Our affiliate programs have a positive impact on our blog and our ability to continue bringing you the best DIY and crafting content.

By using our affiliate links to purchase your materials, tools, and products, you are supporting our blog and allowing us to continue exploring new materials, techniques, and tools, and to share our projects and ideas with you.

Affiliate programs also benefit you by providing access to exclusive discounts and promotions, and by helping you save time and money on your purchases.

Our Promise

We promise to always be transparent and honest with you about our affiliate relationships and to only recommend products and companies that we trust and use ourselves.

If you have any questions about our affiliate disclosure, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your support and for using our affiliate links to purchase your next DIY and crafting project! Happy creating!


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